
For certain I have lived....
Perhaps a life worth living...
I saw my hummingbird....
So beautiful; that I almost saw God...
I reconnected to people i admire most...
People such as my mom...
I met Charles in Charge...
I just want to kiss him so bad....
Like a venus fly trap...
Waiting for it's prey....
Hopefully; he'll see me the same way...
And I'm fortunate at dinner, I just felt
The friendly warm love
Because it is so rare 
You are touched by it....
And no selfish stolen moments I can speak of, but I did have a cigarette
And my goodness, I have to quit....
My fingertips smell of it...
Today, I have my appointment at the dentist - I can think of a few cavities
That need to be filled, but first let me 
Get off my bed quick...
And I here I am again with my dick in my hand and a thong in my cheeks....
Do you understand? 
What has become to me?
I'm horny!
And most of you know it
But I'm a romantic
Hopeless and optimistic
Shouldn't I expose it?
Or should I waste away
And perish the the thought 
Of Charlie baby in my arms
A life of prayer is the abandonment of God
See how far that will take you
In other words lose my God!?!
In order to find him!?!
I'm not a god...
Oh why do you despise him?
I will seek harbor in my belief.
Because my faith has been restored.
I find comfort in his arms.....
I'm horny.....
I want to feel ecstasy!
And I pray at his feet.

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