With her lips only

This honest wife challenged at dusk
May move to much music; unsettling,
With a broom and mop wishes,
To be at the garden gate under the garnet sky;
With a little lamb, who would be,
An urgent lover: with her lips only,
Instead she's folding a sock;
Not with her mind,
She protests love to an urgent husband;
Not with her heart, but with her lips only:
For the children's sake, She arises 
At four o'clock am...
Timing her inner clock and arguing 
With her conscious
The lie is irreverent and ludicrous
For the children's sake is more like not
Freeing yourself to the world
A poor mother's lot in life
From her lips only
For she has what others do not
And that is strength I imagine
Or stupidity most would assume
She is the pilot of this plane
And it seems like there is impending doom

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