The many faces of a person

Which face would you like to see?
A smiling one or a tearful one?
Or one of ambivalence?
It seems to me that most people think;
there are only few feelings, or faces
to be concerned about. As if life is a 
simple twist of positive, and negative 
charges in the wind; while we tap into
good or bad or creative or sad. Much like I 
persistently say God is love. What do the many faces of people say? Usually the same thing. But not with the same resonance. We are our feelings. And if you never move past to the next one. You are not embracing your emotions. It's like a half life. Our souls are our core. To witness profound change to your soul it must be fed and nurtured. What matters to you most one day won't be the same in a year.
So this is why we see many faces.
And all in there due time. A bird can sit on a nest of eggs to hatch newborns. Can be fed and taught to fly. Stay in a habitat like a tree in a back yard and then soaring in the sky in a new surrounding. All the while being protective and up for a new challenge. And that to me and us is similar to people with the aforementioned people
with many faces. So I welcome these faces. One by one I try to make them happy. Or silly or thoughtful or creative.
One heart, one face, one person, or one dick at a time.

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