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I started as young boy playing with Wonder Woman and watching The Bionic Woman. The Thundercats. Dark Shadows.
He-man and She-rah. I would illustrate 
Gowns and dresses. And draw the evil eye.
Chocolate milk and sweet things.
I loved strawberry and pears and green grapes. I was a very sweet boy who wore my mom's handbags. Her lipstick. And I loved my mother's scent it was gardenia.
My father worked most of the time.
And occasionally I would go to work with him and help. I probably didn't help but it was time to spend together. I started my private school elementary education. Where it was everyone invited if you are and were Greek Orthodox Christian. I was kind of shy there. And had few friends that are still in my life. And then I started high school. And that is where my awakening began. I noticed other guys and how they would treat me. Shockingly enough I never had bullies. I would ditch classes and school. When I dropped out. I went to community college that let me take my constitution test. And they allowed me to take college credit courses. I was invited to transfer to DePaul university but didn't attend. I got my degree thru those in the mail schools and offers. Who knows if it's legitimate. Even thought I had woke up from my warm fuzzy dreams. I never really pursued anyone. I had some peculiar and strange things occur. I was fondled by some family members and someone I will not name took advantage of me. It was and is  awkward because that person is in my life and incredibly kind to me now.
And I just trusted my God and forgave him.
Furthermore I was raped by a chain saw at my neck and spiral coil inserted in me.
My rapist and I had dinner at his place.
He wore a mask of some animal.
He poured blood on me and I was bleeding as well. I don't drive. I woke up and he took me home. I even forgave that too.
It all occured in the winter when my grandfather passed. I have always worked easy breezy jobs my whole life and when I found out the news of my grandmother having cancer and that coupled with the loss of a special friend in my life. I began to feel scared paranoid hearing voices and the urge to hurt myself. I didn't feel safe again. The only thing that made me feel safe is my family's love. And pursuing joy thru the arts. I paint what I know. I photograph things I like. I styled clothes I would wear. I wrote as my therapy. And this gave me great insight of my self.
I would play with cosmetics did drag a few shows and play with filters photographers would use. I just kept exploring me.
And that with my many many flaws and sins it renewed my faith in God. Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Virgin Mother and countless saints. And now my life is more fulfilling and gone are my symptoms of schizo effective disorder. PTSD and major depression. I still take medicine. But I'm happy. I guess the moral of this story is that one sweet boy who was suffering gender dysphoria and un assuming became an artist or trade's person.
And on the mend to heal one last wound.
And it's ok. To feel and to talk. You may feel bothersome but you must to overcome the pain. I'm more rested and yes I have aged. I wouldn't do half of the things of done in my interestingly curious little life. And I'm okay forgiving the people and the situations I can't change. I'm glad I made it thru the rain. And reign of dangerous men who have poisoned the minds of many. If you truly know what I have achieved in my interesting life. You never guess by looking at me. You would be more curious to know me but alas I like my family circle and circus of friends. And trust me now that I'm done with most of my creative life. I found joy I found bliss partly the reason is because of you and I do thank you. But now I must say be good till you achieve success.

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