
As morning coffee brews 
Waiting to sweeten 
With blue agave syrup
The hilarity ensues
My pregnancy belly
My legs should be
In stirrups 
And I won't know how
The fetus inside me grows
I'm 43
I don't even know my net gross
Or my woes
Or the high/ low theory definition
I clumsily continue
I know the result is ever precious
In God we must trust
That everything has a place
I won't surrender my faith
Like the water needs the sand
And understanding deserves a hand
Of applause
And losing my faith in Santa Claus
No present will represent
The hardships of a fellow
Or his friendships
So I'm waiting and the coffee is brewed
There is a deliciousness on my tongue
It's safe to say it's blue agave
And you can assume
My glass of water is next
To speed up my metabolism
My A1 c is lower
I don't feel I'll have an aneurism
Can I finally be normal again
When was it that I was normal 
In the first place
I guess that's enough said.

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