Frankie and Johnny 2023

Please don't stop loving me, Frankie...
I'm Johnny, Lordy! How can I love you,
Let me sing you a song, Frankie,
We swore to be true to each other,
True as the stars up above...
He was my man, but he had done me wrong.
What can I say to you?
Please dont stop loving me!
He did me wrong!
And I want to forgive him...
Perish, the thought I actually forgive him...
Only a star would divorce in passion..
It is his loss so I'll make this subtraction;
From my life, I don't want to be a husband or a wife.....
He did me wrong!
Please don't stop loving me!
I try to mend what we have for this short eternity. On this earth! You did me wrong!
I still love you!
Please don't stop loving me! 

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