You are not the enemy

When you are abused and used- you look
to affirm eventually your sensuality. And that might be too difficult for others to comprehend. But that is their problem not yours. Because we always can't be a victim. So wear your freak flag high.
It's easy. It's a piece of pie. We need to reclaim what was stolen from us. Sexuality. Subversive or overt. Is nature.
Man's nature. And with humans being the only mammal that hates on each other.
We must appreciate when we love each
other. That is the secret to health and ultimately wealth and plentiful growth of a soul. We must use our energy to love with consentual sex to be fully engaged in life.
As I state all this I am celebate and withholding till I meet the one. But you should do as you wish. Sex is not the enemy. Love is not the enemy. Hypocrisy is.

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