Start won't finish

Don't you ever wonder what exactly it 
would be like if we were to be fine with 
space and distance? Would you be pleased? With a room that's empty, baby!?!
The fact that I want to move is sheer coincidence! What can I do for you now that I'm still here because as far as I know.
I'll be gone till November. And no one knows where I'll go. But I will be just fine.
A home of my own is all I seek.
No perfection is needed to correct me.
I may not be a mathematician but I can count the times in both hands I would long to be just about anywhere like the city.
You can't keep me under wraps forever 
Oh yeah you can't stifle me forever as you once planned. I'm begining to be me! 
I'm starting and I won't finish.
You can call me anything you desire but I still won't be your bitch.

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