On what plates am I dining on???

Food is sustenance, nutrition to fuel
our bodies, or break them down.
And like most people we strive to place our portions and present our food beautifully. Hence the title of this little rinky dinky writ. We all strive for the impossible luxury or museum quality.
Heirloom quality or something from the MoMA design store. Wedgwood, or 
Richard Ginori; that, is used to serve the Pope In the Vatican. But as we feast upon our celebrated china, there are millions of homeless people who are starving.
And billions suffering some kind of plight,
that are not concerned with such frivolous 
things. From meal to meal and needs and desires. The plates we dine on have no baring to the painted and traumatized.
We should all be as fortunate to eat.
And fuel ourselves to live another day.
What we need is clean safe fresh drinking water. Everything and everyone needs water to survive. And now that too is being polluted with chemicals. What are we doing to our world. And what about the animals or the beasts we slay for nutrition.
We must all begin to become vegan or vegetarian, but I still crave fillet mignon, Italian beef, and sausage pizza. I'm a beef eater. And that soon needs to change.
We must become acclimated to change.
Habits are hard to break. And we must challenge ourselves. You must ask yourself do vegetables have feelings, too.
But that is a silly question. We do know that animals do have feelings. And you can consider this like a fast to cleanse the body. And spiritually cleanse your soul.
But then again what do I know. Pigs can eat humans yet we will still have a pork chop. Or bacon and egg breakfast.
Eat it before it eats you is what I say.
But it's such a filthy animal.
And we are filthy animals or beasts as well. We must come to a catharsis intervention by living by example and ultimately change our ways to be free of gluttony or greed and begin a path towards enlightenment. And you can begin with what plates are we dining on. And what do we have to search on the aforementioned plates. The end.
Or perhaps the start to a new state of being. Good luck. This is more of an essay.
And a look at my self and lust for finer things and weakness for comfort food.
And my desire to change. You do as you wish. But I need to change and buy new plates. 

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