My wisdom

My wisdom doesn't come from an institute of learning. It comes from my life experience. And each situation I've been in, I planted flowers or trees. So I can revisit them with a clear mind and a grateful heart. I forgive easily in due time so God can show his mercy upon me.
It doesn't help you any to hold judgement or grudges. It's not good for your mental faculties. And furthermore without foreshadowing I can tell you I rest. And sleep soundly for I have a connection to God, and whatever you believe; that connection and your fear of losing that connection will guide you justly. Your behavior and attitudes toward life. Will make you appreciate life. We can not hold on to the past. Sure it forms you. But you can't always look at it from your point of view. Because there are so many points of view. Just like a triangle is a strong shape
Perhaps the strongest. We in life are like a triangle. But our lives moves and rotates like earth in a circle. Be prepared to let go of shame and blame and differences.
And be individually unique. Treat each thing with your individuality that lives within your heart. And when you feel your connection is lost. God is right there where you left him. It's your individuality and your faith and your heart and mind and life
That will guide you on to.the right path.
With that said if you continue to hold grudges and animosity towards others
It can darken your heart. It can turn you into a miserable sod. It's up to you the person to reveal your humanity and in doing so you may affirm someone else's belief in humanity. My wisdom is simple
I have roots everywhere. So I visible and mysteriously feel my connection. Can you? That is where you start.

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