Memoirs of A Concubine in Heat

For as long as I can remember I've been 
lustful of material possessions, and ceremony and ritual. I've embraced my
passions, and independent life. So you 
might be questioning why do I live at home. Or why do I dress casually or sporty. That is not my thing. I've always fancied myself as a geisha. And in another life I'm almost sure I was a slave. Or even a female concubine. Only to be used for my skills in love making or as most people refer to it a true submissive. Most of my life I have been polite to others. And concerned and caring towards their plight.
Now with that said there comes a cost.
Your reputation. Your singularity or plurality is subject to analysis by random people. And their comments. And those comments hurt me. But I let them slowly
fall off of my back. And as I age I feel more vibrant. And in my hair I find greys.
I'm almost becoming to old to support myself. And my life has been interesting.
But riddled with thoughts of suicide because as positive as I am. I'm unhappy.
I want to.parcipate in activities like swimming or treadmill or gallery viewing.
A spare cigarette or peach iced tea.
For I'm miserable and I long to be me.
Upon writing Once we're briefly gorgeous.
I had a catharsis I'm not sure if it belongs to Ocean or me. But I want to tattoo it my forearm and eventually leave because
I feel there's something out there waiting just for me. And imagine us gazing into each other's eyes. I was once in love with someone who told me I was his best friend. The only person he trusts. That he believes in our kind of marriage. He even asked me to go on vacation. We had a dear friendship. And we were intimate.
Instead of reminiscing over the past.
Or his life choice. I kept my mouth closed.
He married a beautiful woman and had children. That left me devasted. And at the same time I was in the presence of my sick elderly grandmother. Who I lost as she passed away. My mind became clouded and foggy. But my desires still remain. I instead lost my mind and became more reclusive. I started to decay.
But with anything as it is in life it is mind over matter. I've lived so selfishly.
I was the only one much like a spoiled brat. And this is where the story continues
to start. From at my early I would gaze up
above and view the little stars and look back down to my self inflicted scars.
And how I would rhyme without reason.
This is where my story starts.
I can bore you to death and tell you,
I long for a life of comfort and excitement.
But as interesting as it was in my youth.
I've always long for adventure and solidified my views. I only hold on to one thing my faith to get me through the day.
I'm not that religious and I feel so moved.
I'm more spiritual and I don't pretend to be aloof. And though out my follies. I've been made a victim. An irresponsible figure.
A worthless person. A loser in life.
But with all my creativity and creations.
I still long for love in any form. And every time I push forward and reclaim my sexuality or sensuality- I am punished.
The cuffs and chains go on and I'm pushed inside a narrow room which used to be my secret garden and I am used.
I am a concubine in heat. And there's nothing you can do. I am male, female.
A slave you abuse. And with my talent.
I am left with few accomplishments.
As I long to start my life anew.

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