High level extinction

Monarch butterflies are next to become
extinct. From the tiger and others that have faced this. We are losing the earth as we know it. Are we next to become extinct.
Yes, be a hunter and one with nature.
I have no misgivings or thoughts on such activity. But we must be more conscious of Earth. The eco system is in disarray.
And I don't want to lose the beautiful
majestic, lush, and pretty things that 
We prey on. Gone are trees. Gone are the pastures, and gardens for strip malls
And condo plexs. We are missing our humanity if we don't take care of our planet. God gave us his beautiful creations, and soon we will be cast out of heaven. And sentenced to hell for our cavalier attitude towards nature.
I'm not saying that sportsmen are at fault.
I'm saying you who liter and want bizarre trophies that you exploit these animals.
The creatures are like you and me.
We are killing an extension of ourselves.
And yes man does prey on beast.
So with that said return them to their home. Their natural habitat. And we can return to own. And older weighs of living.
Paleo or living on grains and oat and wheat rice fruit and other such things.
Don't get me wrong I'll eat a steak, but even I have a lot to learn about all this.
We must do something to preserve nature's balance.

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