
Through all this garbage and mess
I do plenty and rest
I sleep to dream of heaven
And get ready 
I'm dressed
I long for the ocean
I long for the sea
I heard a gospel singer
And I sang as if it were me
Although the angels sigh in relief
Of extraordinary ecstasy
Life is what you make of it
Life be a mystery
Can you forget your problems
Can you help from leaving me be
Through this garbage and mess
I still see beauty
And I will be little ole me
Now with the help of the Holy Mother
I feel good and proud to be me
I pray to her repeatedly
I will try my best to repent
And confess my flaws and my sins
This little landfill has turned 
From garbage to a beautiful garden
I feel fortunate for her to guide me
Through the mess and trash
At last things are heavenly

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