Haven't We Seen This

" Haven't we been here, haven't we seen,
Your different face all along as you hovel,
And sheepishly kill all the chickens, and break off their beaks. You haven't been an angel to me you ripped off my feathers as I tried to fly and be discreetly kind. You are are magnifique. An disturbed version of me. One that barely and rarely speaks. A wolf in sheep's clothing; while, mother hens are still loving their young. And now I'm done stroking your ego and pacify your steelo. Harboring ill will towards me. 
Nah, you can forget it. As I care- I always will! Fuck you is perfect, but why does the truth bother you; still. I could have lied.
You could surmise I'm a disturbed version of me too|"

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