To rest

To rest
But not to sleep
Your eyes go right through to me
I try to drift off
But I can't sleep
I want to have a dream
But I'm not lucid
Or wavering in my demeanor
I'd rather not hear you speak

To bless
And genuflect-
To drink of the holy
In retrospect
Water and oil and myhrr
I have no shame or regret
But nothing can stop this upset

I close my eyes
I want to make a connection to you
I'm still sitting here waiting 
For you to justify my love for you 
It's so humiliating

I know I shouldn't make demands
It's been a while
Since I felt your prescensce
I've been given gifts 
Bless me Father for I have sinned
My confession is I feel the prescensce

Of the holy ghost
The holy spirit
Or I'm possessed
It's supernatural in nature
Nuture me Almighty
Feed me from your bosom
And forgive my perpetual petulance

I am a sinner
I'm trying my best

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