The poison of modern man

The poison of modern man

With the obsession with money, power, wealth, fame and yours and my opinion
has addled our collective brain. There are so many things promising you these things. This is the poison of modern man. And that is all a lie. Let me tell you about celebrity and fame. They are in debt for their wardrobe. Their jewelry. Their high budget videos and movies and studio time and photographs. They purposely, willingly throw themselves into the media machine to create scandal and gossip and news.
Is it hard to walk around and function while everyone thinks they own a piece of you!?! Yes, You should admire their work unless it morally offends you. And you shouldn't admire the person of notoriety.
It is perfectly fine for you to admire the arts. For The Divine blesses them to create these things of marvel and wonder.
But many of them are sick demented people. They can be predators even snakes. They believe in the devil and are striving for an "utopia". Of no judgement.
So they will not be judged for their evil deeds and demonic ways. I don't judge them. That is the problem with utopia-
We already live in one. God's universe.
That is a utopia. Food for thought.
You can achieve success. But learn to quell your need for it and abandon it.
To see if it will occur see if you are truly worthy. But like any other substitute for love. It is like a drug.
And I, too, can abandon my work.
But I must continue to use my heart and my mind. And experiences and challenge myself throughout my life. And perhaps I will have success. I'm not waiting for it.
I'm content. And I deserve it. What accolades or punishment.

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