The boy named Creep

Not so long ago... There was a boy named Creep. He had movie star hair and when his eyes met you- you'd sit there in awe.
And when you would see his feet- you'd think you're in love. And as devilishly handsome as this boy once was he turned into a monster when he left home and turned to the streets. And then he met a boy named Pete. "P" thought innocently enough, "How much harm could he be?"
So he gave a chance to gruesome Creep.
"Let's get out of here!?" He said in a blink of an eye. But where were they to go. After all they just did meet. This was not Pete's idea. But hold your tongues as I speak.
The night grew colder and there breath was visible. They huffed and smoked cigarettes on the corner as if they were invisible. And then Creep said. "Do you know how much you mean to me?" Pete thought, "Huh???" "What does he mean?"
"After all we did just meet." He said confusingly and puzzled. But that is when the boy named Creep turned into a monster. He kissed him instead and hit and beat Pete. And till this day Pete questioned, "What did all this mean?"
And Pete ran off to call the police...
He filed a police report on a boy named Creep. The next Sunday he went to church with his mom after all church is a blessing and ever so welcoming.... and he saw Creep sitting there, flossing his teeth; apparently, with his thumbs. And in his right hand was a buzz saw. " I got this waiting for you if you cause any trouble." Creep said. The police arrested Creep that morning, and that is the end of the story. Creep is in jail now.
Probably more of a monster. But Pete did the unthinkable he went to visit that scoundrel named Creep. He said, "I forgive you!" And he turned away to leave. And Creep said I'm sorry or Pete would like to think. He said, "You're dead." And till this day Pete can't fall asleep in his bed. 
Then one day Pete fell asleep. The whole night through- no nightmare or tears.
It was a miracle like God answered his prayers. 

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