Great Expectations

As one would dread explanations,
No one can live up to great expectations,
And after people were in enslaved; 
In plantations, fields, mines, and sites.
And homes- We forget their plight.
And as our physical and mental health
Is in decay- The right to say anything 
Is becoming passé.. And hesitation
To stand up and fight-
For our God given rights!
People are concerned with appearances-
Editing themselves into perfection-
Which has never been my thing!
I sing rawly and can contort my voice;
Almost into anything...
I dance awkwardly usually I'll show off-
My technique rooted in the streets,
And play with verbage and grammar; 
Make them so sweet and so simple,
But my friend ur still popping a pimple...
And I digress it's progress but you hate me
You are living in misery because I am not
what you expect! And that's all in ur head!
You can criticize and get bent for all that
You lack and can't do with a pen or pencil
I will be decorating for the holidays
And cooking using utensils but that's not u
You'd rather have mommy do it!
While you go to a massage parlor 
To get ass licked by a decrepit old bitch
Trust me Mon Ami she's probably tasting
shit! Sheight shut up your sister is a witch
She's hung up over which ruffneck thug
Can dismiss her with the quicks!
And Daddy warned her about it!
But he's gone. Their parents divorced.
I had no opinion bout it.
And I'm telling you- you have expectations!
I'm telling you this:
You have great expectations,
And you can't handle it.
You have no time for God or church.
You think Com.Ed or .com or TV
Is The Divinity
And somehow all ur consumed
with is fame.
But I'm here to tell you if you're listening
Y'all really lame, late, over like expired milk
And it couldn't come better to you-
As if it were coming from Harvey Milk...
Larry Kramer, Vito Russo couldn't tell me
No faggots allowed. And I have found.
My great expectations are more profound.
They limit my experience because I am
So happy to see what I expect-
And in retrospect it leaves a stain on the veil that if in which you permit- 
It permiates-
Like perfume and perfection isn't permitted. Profound catharsis happens
When you don't expect. That is all I'm saying. And dilute the pain it's great then. The ultimate diss. Disrespect for the ignoramus who ignores progress.

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