The way you treat animals

There once was a cricket ....
That got sqoooshed by a sandal...
And then it happened to a frog...
I wonder if it were to happen to a dog...
Would our feelings be different...
We can squish a fly, 
but why not a moth or a dog or cat? 
I guess it's all in our mind...
The way we treat animals must be with 
Love and affection and if we think they're
Not welcome we must shoo them away
With our precarious pretentious way
So we can see our poor planet to live 
Another day... For it's our eco system.
And weather temperatures we must worry
That every living thing is safe, and in a hurry. 
We must treat them with kindness.
Only if you're not too busy and you wouldn't mind it. How would you feel if you were a beast which you are sometimes.

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