pop life

Pop life
High life 
Low art 
And no consequence
The risk I take
Has me feeling
Thirst quenched
An autumn day
After summer slays me
With humidity
And I feel humility
For you
Please have mercy on me
Because I'm so stupid 
And a sinner
I hope you pull me closer to you
I hope you don't push me away

Pop life
High life
Maybe mediocre art
I pontificate
I feel no dogma
Therefore I celebrate
High life
High art
I feel like I'm Picasso
So I don't procrastinate
I draw upon the masters
I retain my copy
And publish everything
And anything 
That tickles my fancy
And make me giggle
For thrills

You can call me Ishkabible
Panagiotis or just plain Pete
I doubt you'll know my name
But my work will be on repeat

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