Here I am

Here I am
Listening closely
Here I am
Patiently toasted
Here I am
Boastfully woeful
Here I am
Telling truths and not old lies
Depends on how you view me to decide
If I'm worthy to love and treasure
Why don't hold me closely
Why don't you give me an inch
So I can take a mile
Why don't let me begin with my sins
Confessing it's a blessing
And so I repent
I must stop living in the flesh
I made my vow to God above
I chose my lot because I've been found
I made my peace within my own soul
I need to let go and loose control
Here I am
Listening closely
Here I am 
Toasted and woeful
Here I am 
No sorrow I'm not reporting
Here I am
No horror of voices
Here I am 
No partner in life
Here I am 
No mister no wife
Here I am 
No children -they've passed
Here I am 
I'm passing some gas

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