Do you hear me?

I admired that handbag before it was chic to wear a handbag. I suppose things are returning to the days of men with powdered wigs. Rice powdered make up and red lips. But before I can give the bag; a second glance, I noticed this woman with all her belongings in a trash bag, and it struck me- I don't need this pretty handbag. This woman has a Hefty bag as her fashion out nessacity statement.
Sometimes things put things in perspective. I noticed this woman praying to God as I was sipping on a latte. And when she was done. I asked her if I can buy her lunch. She said, "I prayed for a meal. And there you came, Thank you!"
And as I finished my latte my friend said, "This is so you- I bought it for your birthday." I guess prayers are answered.

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