All of us

I am human / I am a man / Not a god
And when I get mad / I turn still and slow moving / like almost dry- like cement / and I lament for all / My suffering and any suffering I have caused / By my abnormalities and difficientcies /
I surrender and give thanks to the power
Of love / in my heart and in my head /
For it's not better to be dead than living /
Or just living for the flesh in bed /
I charish each day by giving back /
To the hopeless and restless / And reckless instead / The brave will tell you what they lack / and don't possess / It's better this way / than professing to be a billionaire / or how to marry a millionaire /
And cruise on yaught / a lot of furs and diamonds / So much for Marilyn / We only think of her image and not her pain /
Like a candle in the wind / the flame was turn off by the rain / All of us should know it / the wick has a short span of life /
And we're all in God's terrain |

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