Totally Greek

It's so erotic... This feeling can't be beat....
The way you look at me..... They way you pout.... And lick your lips... And quickly....
I feel this surge... I feel this urge...
I feel the current of gravity.... And I'm floating.... In the air.... I feel a throb....
Right up under my feet.....

It's so hypnotic....The way you choose to be..... The way you loose your fear.....
I feel connectivity.... In your touch.... As we sway together..... I love you so much....
Right up under your steely eyes... I want to give you a kiss..... on your big nose....
And kiss your toes..... I love you so much....I can't believe we are totally both Greek.....

DJ spinning on the dance floor...
He is my former boyfriend...
We did explore curious things....
We didn't hold out for nothing more....
We separated and did our own thing.....

If I was yours I'd have a wedding suit so fine... I never believed in marriage....
I'm not that kind of guy.... But you have a hold on me.... I'm in this trance... The way we dance.... I just want to celebrate life....
I want to feel utter joy.... I want to have this with another boy.... You are a man... so I say..... I could be quite stupid.... But I wouldn't have it any other way.....

I fell in love with a guy.....
The DJ did really save my life....
I want you and I have to say.....
I'm amazed that we're both totally Greek!

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