The isle of loneliness

The isle of loneliness welcomed me
Long ago by the shore where I imagine roots berries and figs and citrus trees
The sun is providing vitamin D and I'm sipping on something providing vitamin 
C and and A and I can finally say I'm tired
Exhausted and in this little piece of heaven I feel a sudden constant move and shift
I feel my worries sail a drift and I can say I am relaxed from previous stresses
I can say I no longer have the need to wear dresses and I'm tending to my skin
Scared and scaly and blemished and chapped and spotted brown of scars
I no longer count the stars
And as I resume to normalcy
I wonder if it's really me 
But back to Palos I go
I wonder what will happen to isle
That sits under Venus
And from my bedroom window
I think I see a constellation in the shape 
Of a penis and much to my delight 
It is! Only on the little isle of loneliness 

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