
I befriended Jackie/ Jack 
Scott Barnes and Brian
Ayka Ayka and countless other artists 
And I can say we all march to the beat of our own drum. I've been friends with Vision Aaron.
And my clients have been Senator Mary Chlobauchar Cardi B and Quest Love 
I'm looking to expand my horizons and do other great things but it seems something's are holding me back and I'm regretting a lot of things. I'm running on empty and I do need new ideas. I can't do the same ole stuff and recieve accolades. I can't replace great with hype I need to do some things great and as I sip my crystal light with caffeine and grape I'm sipping on my own Kool aid I need to stop procrastinating. I need to create. 
We are freedom.fighters. we need to join together. We need to come together.
We need to celebrate and fixate on everything that deserves our attention.
We need to point to the light and the dark.
And even if it's pontification. We are like the news we just don't get paid.

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