A Proper Thank You

"I write, and I write; my most revolutionary
Words to date...about sadness, and inevitable life; And as I write this the night wind revolves in the sky; and sings to me
The night is shattered; and, the blue stars
Shiver in the distance. And right there
I feel his distance from me under, and stretching across the endless sky...
I know... I loved him, but he doesn't, and I don't love him no more. And with my forgetfulness... I still wonder if I've seen him before.... I no longer love him... He doesn't love me; but, I'm forever grateful
(Signed) sincerely, your little whore...
Ugh... You give but you never get back what you give away... You never get your
peace again at night; Or, cradle in arms built of stone and lips to kiss and tongue to suck... But who will remember me my love- my heart can't take the shock of a surprise or its looming demise.... 
And inspite of this I await for a rich poor life of singledom and solitude for you will never touch me again and my body screams and aches for it. I may never seen you. And I've come to terms with it. You came in my life when I needed you most so I am truly grateful. Don't be shocked if I don't want your pity. I wanted a friend's with benefits thing. And I can't give you what you need.
Although I'm happy, my love, although; I don't love you no more. I wish you the best and I must continue with a proper......." "Thank you".|

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