Beyonce is God!?!??!

We are living in the times of the new Black Renaissance. I mean now Beyonce is the world's greatest entertainer. And black business are thriving. So are Hispanic and Latino. Native American and Asian. So much culture for this world to consume. But I wonder with this new found over sensitivity and inclusion of people no one cared about before it has all become so foolish. Out with the old. In with the new.
And Beyonce is stunning and she may have replaced Oprah as God. And I wonder if she's smiling when she takes her jewelry off. When was it celebrities are God? They live off us. They pander to us. They feed off us. And make livings from preying on us. And in no way is that Beyonce. But I wonder why she has replaced God. I remember the time it was Lady Gaga.
And even more worthy Madonna.
But I feel we need a prescensce of God in our homes. To prevent them from strutting their stuff and getting gitchey like a mugg.
As sure as Suge.. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock trying to silence freedom of speech and I guess it's fucked up.
But why can't God be the wind in the trees.
The water that flows. The one that created me. The smile on your children's face. The sun shining on me. Why is Beyonce God!?!
Before you say this sexist and racist!?!
Ask yourself why is a celebrity your only outlet for peace of mind. Your only example of humanity or creation or Masters doing their thing. Creators create.
But God is more brilliant than Picasso.
Why is Beyonce God!?!

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