Uncharted territory

Mothers and sons have a unique bond and relationship. First let's face it Mom gives birth to us and loves us. But when mom begins to see you are different than her she is worrisome of what will happen to you. If you are similar and for instance you both appreciate a good soap opera. Wonder Woman. The Bionic Woman. Sherah. Barbie. She feels threatened.

Maybe threatened isn't the word but we'll say worried. No matter what we do our mothers worry. But that is the age in which I lived in and grew up. And in my day that was uncharted territory. I'm Greek American Orthodox Christian. I'm gay. I'm different than my mom. We like similar things. We still have different taste. And we argue.
But we love each other. If I can deal with an overbearing shrew of a woman like my mom..you can too. We are living proof.

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