no start/no end

No start
Reign of tears
Heaven running on empty
My soul is heavy
Tell me why'd you'd leave
Tell me why'd you lead 
The brigade of the foolish tear
And as for my fortune
And as for my fame
I know the end is bitter
For all that I claim
I can't take them with me
I'm not even sane
No heart to care for
No start to the rain
I know the end is bitter
All I can claim is pain
I'm lost in every virtue
My sorrow has no end
The reign of tears has fallen
May victory set in
Have I said too much
Don't want to be boastful
My humility doesn't allow such things
I pray I am hopeful
Till the end
That the reign of tears don't come again 
Oh oh my God 
Keep my eyes dry
Put a smile on my face
Take this overwhelming pain away
The reign of tears

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