
I'm from.a forgotten era
I tie my shoes 
One foot at a time
I cross the sidewalk
And look both ways
I don't have an automobile
I can't afford to drive
You are from past 2000
3000 A.D
And a peculiar time
I don't know what to tell ya
But you will be good in time
There are so many things foreign to me
And you wouldn't know the things 
That brought me glee
And harmonious tunes
That made me jump.right out of my seat
You are filled with brooding attitude
You are millennial
And so what
I'm from the 70's
The eighties
The nineties
And the 2000's
And I have more than a few things 
To teach you
Not everything is black or white 
Depends on context
And every shocking thing
Looses subtext
At face value
There is more gray area 
Than you will ever know
If you never expand your horizons 
You will never grow
You're a millennial
So what 
I'm 42
I probably like 105 in your years
But I have more than you know
Like a father figure 
Or father role 
A child doesn't know diddly squat
I don't undermined your intelligence
You know more than I did at your age
I'm telling the truth
And your full of angst
You're bitter
I'm not

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