flower girl

Little azalea and hyacinth flower girl
You've have had many choices 
All the boys or the screaming girls
Stupid girl: 
You always seem to swallow your pride
You always seem to wallow in a fit of turbulence and chaotic wisdom
In time
It only gets better 
You only have to hold the key 
And that is the secret
Oh yes
You can just take it from me 
That is the secret

It took me long to figure out
That happiness is a just a mood
And a state of mind
I can have it if really tried 
I have been so misunderstood
I used to wear my heart 
On my sleeve
Now I wear my wounds like armor
They protect me
I've also grown a thicker skin
And I no longer play the victim
Take the key from me and the recipe is:
The future no one knows
You can't look back
Get on your toes
You need to keep moving on

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