It's 2022 and I'm thinking about 2023.
I came home from the doctor. There is still no medical reason for my seizures. I've been to a neurologist. No MS not Parkinsons. No brain abnormality no chemical imbalance. My mental state is good. But somewhat of a phenomenon.
I don't hear voices anymore through countless hours of prayer meditation walking and yoga. I eat right. But I do smoke, well I did- I quit again. I have to do so. I drink caffeine. Zero sugar stuff. And lots of water and vitamins. Now I have to quit caffeine as well because I was diagnosed with fiber cystic breast disease.
I have fiber cystic masses in my breasts.
Under my nipple. My mom has a similar issue. And it's just got me thinking of her.
And how I'm in her shoes right now.
And it's got me thinking of what in store for me during 2023. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you. I'm ok. Not down. I'm smiling- you do the same. :-)

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