Under The Olive Tree

The tree looked like a misshapen vegetable. The branches sprung from the near center towards the sky and underneath this tree slept a couple.
A couple of goons if you ask me.
But one of these goons wanted some fruit from the tree. And the other replied," You must not touch the fruit. It is not ready for harvest. You don't care for this tree. You just brought me here years ago because you were hungry." So one day the previous silly goon took a stepping stool to reach an olive to eat and taste. And the more reasonable goon just watched as he suddenly fell. She rushed as he broke his arm and leg and fell on his limbs. He cried in agony. And didn't get to taste the sweet golden green fruit. And one day a man for whom it is not necessary to name offered the helpful goon some olives from her own tree. And he simply said, " Those who are kind to the nature I have provided, and kind to those whose nature is to desire sweetness I will offer you a taste of what you care for and tend to and love so beautifully. She had a taste of an olive. She had never tasted them before. And she also offered a taste to the foolish clumsy goon who fell. The stayed under that olive tree. And cared for it till they passed. And now that olive tree is the biggest in the world. For who knows how many boys and girls sat under the olive tree. And how many times that mysterious man passed through. That man was Jesus.
And if you are good to him and his.
He will be good to you.

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