side effects

   Constructs that the human mind has created are things to behold as I tell you this. I have been undone. Unwrapped. And stripped of all artiface and the edifice of things of human intelligence and human behavior are either evil or good but all are true. They are an extension of man. But as accept the factual the reasonable. I hear someone gasping, panting, and whispering And all I could hear were sweet dreams.

   In my sleep and in my day dreams I see a god readying himself or herself to once again visit the planet. But what will they encounter. A barrage of emails and texts.
Selfie images of Delphine. Arguements over which capitalistic aristocracy will reign supreme. I wonder if this is a dream or reality. And how much my fascination with myths will corrupts my faith in the Divine. But as much as I ponder. I let it fall to the waste side. 

I begin to enjoy my life. A better place.
Living in a world I want to conquer and deliver. And I deliberately despise. But with that said I must love this little bitch.
I twitch and I twitch. It must be the side effects.

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