No kissy- kissy

No kissy- kissy - you have to buy me a drink first. And I'm not tempting you; 
For all of your thirst. You're the only one out for yourself- the need you have is that you always come first. Opportunity knocks- you're the first one running. Kneeling, stealing, begging, pleading is your motis operandi. I may call for Hanerabi's code. For all you know I may bestow an "eye for an eye" and maybe that's all you're worth. But I'd rather not see you hurt. Revenge is so not my thing.
Do you deserve a circumstance where you lose your notions of self- yes you do! But enough is never enough. You'll shortly find a way to cover for the fumble. Or the things you lack. Do I have to remind ya 
Y'all will never get yo money back.
Mo money more problems and flashy ways hypnosis don't work on me.
I think you have trichinosis. For you are a pig and at least I think you deserve this.
You are not human enough for me.
Maybe we'll conversate when you recover and become a human being.

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