Momma's gun

Thinking is not as important as doing ...
What you have done to me, but you best think bout what you have been doing; or will continue to do to me for I am almost free of you; and, decide what I'm gonna do
It's not gonna be anything with you.
I am free and casually I go on my way to brighter pastures. I can sing a melody and attract bird songs and songstresses. 
Poems and rhymes are bliss and ecstasy to me as well as my therapy. Do you see as much? Can you do the same? Then shut up! I can weave a word like quilt and I come up with quips I can rock you in a crib and change your soiled diaper. But you can quit harassing me. I'm not robot. I'm not a machine. I'm not your slave or servant.
I am important. I am not a frivolous queen.
But as I cock my pistol, and pull or release the trigger the bullets will fly, and all you will ask is: "what's for dinner"? 

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