here it is

Exile on main street is so very neat.
Exile in suburbia is such an aphrodisiac.
Exile to the island; so, sweet is what's happening. I could tell you stories that are amazing. Amazingly; I have been exiled to both ends of the street. With no place to call my own. I just have winding roads to roam, and I cannot repeat the same choices. This feeling can't be beat. Now, I must be cautious of the fire that's traveling under my feet. And the water that soaks my eyes, but atleast now I see. Two roads with no middle point is not clear to me. 
Where will I rest my head at night. Where will I fall asleep. Are there lamp posts in sight? How much money does it take to make it comfy for my pocket? Or will I struggle till I die? Oh I can't believe it's neat and out of sight? There is exile on main street tonight! Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for me to see. Or do I just struggle and die? There is exile on main street tonight! 

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