Goodness Gracious Grief Grill

Have always had great ideas and I've been going through something... 
Where I am from they are frowned upon
And looked as fake or peculiar or inappropriate... As if someone knows me better than I know myself.... I have to break free from this country provincial 
mindset and set myself apart! I take music, fashion, conservatism, liberalism, words, and shock value to be taken at face value to task. All my loves and fascinations and weave them to have something to say that may touch someone's heart. Or make it easier for someone coming behind me. And all I am left with is comments like that's not you. You didn't do that. Or you were always conservative or you went too far or not far enough. And I'm tired. I'm going through something but I will turn it into something and that will be gold. Solid fucking never tarnishing gold. That's all for now

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