Violence in our schools

There has been so much violence in our schools
Not safe for kids and teachers 
And principles have left the school board
And the government
They sound off when something happens
They lack the resources and ideas
To help
We must make guns available to police
We must make guns available to the good
Guys and Gals who have an impediment
Must be denied access to them
It shouldn't be that easy to get a gun
But what do I know I may be wrong
It is fun to see the blood and guts
Splattered on the wall of the churches
And schools It's really not that cool
That all we do is fight and argue
And let our opinions be heard
It's time to sit down and in a circle
Come up with ideas for good
That don't infringe on freedom and rights
I may be misunderstood
Safety is the most important issue
And innocent lives are at stake
And I don't want to live in a police state
When will we wake up
When will we be awake
Woke- the couple broke up
And the guy went on a shooting spree
So much anguish and pain
He killed his grandmother
How is this freedom?
How is this mental health?
When will we be free of danger and killers?
That prey on children
How is this safety?
Any one who harms an innocent life
Should be sentenced to death
That's violence in schools
That's the world we live in
A world of pain and knowing regret

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