The purpose driven life

The purpose driven life is not measured 
by accolades or accompliments. You will never be able to take them with you. And furthermore most people's things and accomplishments are not solely their own.
Usually mommy and daddy's plastic. How fantastic!?! At the beginning of our conception we are given a soul. And from which it came it must return. So in order for that or this soul to have purpose or function. We must exercise it daily. 
Do you pray? Do you create? Do you celebrate? Do you feel joy? Do you take your tears and create beauty? Do you manifest your experiences and ideas turn them into conversation pieces at supper.
Do you treat others kindly. That is the successful life! Not dollars. Not coins. Not stocks and bonds. All this of what has been mentioned is true wealth and purpose. You too can live a purpose driven life. Thank you for listening. For listening is important to calmly survey what is going on and impact those around you.
And you can take other emotions and feelings like rage or hurt or sadness into
your work whatever that is. Work is something someone does to make currency. Shouldn't you enjoy it. It is a struggle- a lot of "no", slammed doors
and criticism. But if you stick with it you can turn your passion project into your legacy. My passion project is to seduce the mind with quirky kindness and reference anything from the trivial to the sublime that made me feel good. Along with people that made me feel good. And raise awareness and blur lines. And destigmatize and also create songs and fiction. That is purpose. Find yours!
Find your purpose! I found mine.

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