
I have been a victim-
For far too long-
I must confess- I must find my inner joy-
And happiness and wear withal-
To process and progress- 
In my development-
I can not hold on to the past-
Because no one cares-
As much I do about the mess-
Of forgotten dreams-
I must cope and find the remedy-
Of my pain-
I must let go of my utter disdain-
For those who bully and batter me-
I've been a victim-
For far too long-
Now, I'm stronger-
Than before-
A new chapter of life-
Here opens a brand new door
I'm not a victim anymore
So this much is my progress
Not depressed anymore
No symptoms of my disorder
No conflicts
I am a happy fool
Now, I can breathe a sigh of relief
This is so fucking new
Now, I can just be fabulous me 
I'm not a victim any more
New chapter
Open door

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