
"Privacy and new real reality / Is the new controversy / It's so you / You can't stop eating / You can't move your feet / But, you, wiggle and jiggle / And you just can't /  But your hearts still beating / It's so you / You always looking for the so brand new / You try to escape your problems / Gas prices and new Van Sant's is the New Dynasty / A castle of luxury / Your home is a castle of misery / It's so you / But I feel you / And your heart is still beating / Go on "Fat" girl / Can you say that any more / Do you fit through the door / And what you need is your Privacy/ Hee! Oooooh! / It's so delicious/ It's all you can eat/ What you need is your privacy/ What is the controversy/ oooooooh/ It's the brand new thing/ And you can do it with an air of ease / What you need is privacy / yeah!
Mmmmmmmmm luscious! Deliciousa!
Bellissima Bellissima!
It's all you can eat!

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