
I promised myself that I will quit smoking
I threw away my last cigarettes. Just as I order a Louis Vuitton cigarette case. Maybe in a strange twist of fate I'll be buried with it and pack of smokes.
But my throat is so sore. All I do is gag and choke. And they don't believe I'm serious .about this. I guess I just quit and I have no one to tell about it. No one who will believe. But I am much stronger than tobacco cat piss and nicotine and tar.
The stains and spots on my teeth tell a different story; as the the stains, on my  fingers and nails do too. If you don't believe me. It's simple- just fuck you! Maybe I'll cure my elevated hemoglobin.
Maybe I'll cure my elevated hemocrite.
Maybe I'll cure my sleep apnea.
Maybe my diabetes. Or maybe I'll throw a fit. But that's what they all expect for me to give in to weakness. But I can do it.
I'll leave them there speechless.
And when I'm finally free of this addiction
And rotten stench of menthol and coffee 
Breath and odor. I'll enjoy what food really tastes like maybe I will grow older.

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