
He is a jerk 
He is an asshole
He is self centered
And megalomaniac
He is only concerned with his own opinion
He is only concerned for his own backside
He will use everyone for his own sake
Of status and life plans...
He is a little boy with a little one. A non functioning penis that makes him sad.
He's a dick inside. He is a limp wet noodle.
All he does is get angry and act like a child. I feel bad for everyone that he sets his sights upon. He can ruin his own life.
All he does is reek of Greek cheese and sweat and his odor makes him smile.
He is a limp.wet. Noodle! When will he die!?! He's a megalomaniac! It makes me happy to.see him.cry! All he does is claim he is a genius and smarter than you.
He's only looking to have a leg up on upon you. He's megalomaniac. He's a fool.
He's a megalomaniac. Distance yourself from him because I'm telling you the truth.

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