Just like you

Under the bridge where we used to live
Passes a bag lady with her needles & pins
The dirt on her face and clothes Oh oh 
Where is she going- no one knows mmhm
Under the tree with the flowers there has
To be a million stares- yeah
The lady pushing her cart of clothes 
And billions for oil- all the tormoil
And her ratted hair yeah
Nobody really cares
What will happen to her
Why do they stop and stare
All the stars and the stripes
And a handsome lone soldier
Meets at the end of the tunnel
With a bag of food and a little liquor
So off from there they go into 
The alley and have dinner ooooh
Something but different but just like you 
But you sit there talking with your foot
In your mouth and stare
Why when have you taken a harder road
When have you had to take a risk
When have you dared to live
When has your existence 
Wasn't easy for you to give back
And forth and have pennies to live on
And certainly a Megatron 
You can't trade for your name and credit
So why don't you shut your mouth
But all you'll do is look the other way

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