Honored Greek Mother

Honored Greek mother, 
What you wouldn't do for a break..
What you wouldn't do to prevent heartache
And trouble and silence between brothers, and fathers, and sisters and how you weep for the whole world and pray everyday 
And say good morning to God and your long forgotten parents whom you still
Remember. How your tired poor hands are in hot water everyday cleaning after a long hard day's work taking care of babies. You come home and take of three more. And you do it all endlessly. You roll out of bed with a robe and broom in your hands.
You need to rest- you need a break.
You need a little bit of the good life,
That I cannot provide. 
And this is why I cry and bitch and moan.
Because I want it for myself.
So why wouldn't you!!?!!
You are more deserving than I, 
Me, myself, requires relaxation.
You need to have that too.
You need candy, flowers, and perfume
Coffees, parks, and being poolside.
And security- personal and financial.
You need love and care. So you can trust
That life has good things for you.
This is just mere truth.
You need to care for yourself.
But I would take of you. I love you.

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