He knows

He knows
He knows
What we have been up to
Paranoia setting in
This is what's it so comes down to
Broken hearts and dishes
Paper plates
I am the mistress
The guilt has been eating me alive
Much like you eating my cherry culo
He knows
He knows
What you expect from him
He is a Scorpio
He has his dog and his wife
And his kids and his cars 
And his motorbikes
Harleys and Benz and BMW
Can't control his use of W
He chops the bush like he is King George
Or Reagan 
Alexander McQueen is turning in his grave
By his ensemble
But words I cannot speak because I am Ok
Just lazy or I would be out to the nines
I'm a casual comfy mistress
But he is upset 
I can see it in his eyes
He knows
He knows
The story is as old as time

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