Goodbye to my dream job

Goodbye to my dream job
Because you don't have my money
I have to pay for my teeth and insurance 
Six months in advance
So long to my dream job 
Of doing makeup
For a company and brand I love
So instead of bitching any further 
And trembling and shaking to death Because of overwrought nerves 
Goodbye to my comfy dream job
That one I waited for- for so long!
And people only care about themselves
I'll have to wither away and die in silence
And do nothing with my time
Because you never expected I'd want to 
Live a life
Good bye to my dream job
The one I loved most of all
Waiting to finally live my life
Have some kind of altruistic existence
Because people only care about Themselves and they don't care 
-How much you suffer isn't a problem
To them
I've had enough
Goodbye to my dream job....

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