All I said and say

After all has been said and done
Do I have a standing in righteousness
Do I have a consciousness
A conversation with a greater mind
Oh wow 
It would be so sublime
I'm not myself right now
I'm not like this all the time
I have to empower myself somehow
Express myself in due time
That doesn't give me permission
To speak foolishly at any given time
I must savor the moment 
I open my mouth
And sometimes swallow foolish pride
I must allow for it to be inconvenient
Or inappropriate anyhow
Irony is a friend to me
So is the question of why 
And to just let things just certainly be
I'm not so righteous
Or ambivalent
Or blase to everything
I'm not a paragon of virtue or certainty
I can be very wishy- washy
And I wash my self relentlessly
To undo the scar of neglect and abuse
I cherish the moments of clarity
I cherish the moments of fun and silence
The rhythm and the rhyme 
The prose and the time and melody
I can finally be myself
Not too far from crazy
I can be... Me
All I said and say is I can be me
A sad soft spoken melodic lullaby
But at least and it's important
I do try
I'm trying to hold on to my clear my mind
And my joyous spirit
I do this all the time
I do atleast have my peace of mind
And pieces of me scattered about my homeland and other places far away
Atleast I do try
And that is key 
To be yourself
That is what I have found
The light within me
A place to worship is the sun 
The sky the water earth and the moon
The mysterious prescensce of someone
Who guides me and to tell you the truth
The difference
Is what it takes to be me
Risk or surviving 
Hopefully thriving
I may never be the victor in this battle
But I fight I do love I'm a lover
I do try

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